
27 nov 2010

Color power RED

This morning I saw a rainbow …

Can you remember how many colors a rainbow has? Right, seven colors, seven, like the chakras in a person's body: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Seven colors, we look at every day, but without thinking about the meaning of them, and how they influence our live.Cardstock 8x8 Red

The first color is RED.

RED is the color of live, of passion, of love; which woman won’t be happy to receive a bunch of red roses? It is stimulating, vital, enthusiastic, energetic and it is related to success. It symbolizes strength, power and self-confidence. It is warming and if you are suffering cold feet, buy red socks next time to keep them warm.

But what can RED reveal, if it is your favorite color? It is the favorite color of many people, especially extroverts, or of people who wants to become more extroverted. RED as favorite color shows that you are hard-working and ambitious, positive and optimistic, generous, warm and forgiving, but also impulsive.

If you dislike RED you are likely to disturb and upset others and may need to learn, how to control emotional outbursts, which can help you to eliminate feelings of anger.

label: color power

25 nov 2010

Wintertime, Winterzeit, Inverno

Now it is finally winter, also in California. Outside it is chilly, so there is nothing better than a warm bath. To energize body and mind put a RED coloured tub tablet in your bath water and you will regain your vitality.

Nun ist es endlich Winter, auch in Kalifornien. Draußen ist es kalt und somit gibt es nichts Schöneres als ein warmes Bad. Um deinem Körper und Geist Energie zu geben, färbe Dein Badewasser ROT mit einer Badewannen-Farbtablette und Du wirst Deine Vitalität wieder zurückerlangen.

Ora è finalmente l'inverno, anche in California. Fuori fa freddo e quindi non c'è niente di meglio di un bagno caldo. Per stimolare il corpo e la mente colora la tua acqua di ROSSO (mettendo una tavoletta di colore per l’acqua del bagno nella vasca) e recupererai la tua vitalità.

23 nov 2010

Cherry Stone Pillows, Kirschkernkissen

Hot compress

The cherry stone pillow is a very old home remedy. It is a very good alternative to traditional hot water bottle. The cherry stone pillow is also known as "dry water bottle." Since no hot water can run out, the pillow is very suitable for infants. The  action is based on the absolutely dry cherry stones, that charges with heat and holds this heat over a long period of time. The heat is emitted slowly and specifically to the affected part of the body, which has a soothing and relaxing action. In addition, the pillow does not cool down as much as the water-filled hot water bottle.


The pillow is also very good for the abdominal massage of babies and young children with gas problems. It can be used as a “tummy-ache-pillow”: you can relieve the symptoms of your baby by massaging softly the little belly with the pillow.

You can heat the cherry stone pillow in the microwave for about 1 minute at 600 watts, with a cup of water beside it. If necessary, add 15 seconds and then, if it needs to be warmer, heat it at intervals of 15 seconds, until the desired temperature is reached. Pay attention to not heat it too much and read the manufacturers notes before use. But please make sure, that it is completely cooled between two applications, before you re-heat it in the microwave. Otherwise it can happen that the cherry stones start to glow, which may burn the fabric. The microwave plate where the cherry stone pillow is lying, should also be completely dry and clean to avoid burning of the fabric.

Note: Dangerous if improperly heated because of fire hazard. Please check both the operating instructions of the microwave and of the cherry stone pillow manufacturer.

Don't use it in hot days, only in cool or cold days. If used with babies or little kids, consult your pediatrician before use.

For example, for tummy gas in infants and young children, abdominal pain, heating of the bassinet, crib or stroller, joint pain, tension, colds, menstrual cramps, pain in the neck, shoulder or back.

Cold compress

When used as a cold compress please cool the cherry stone pillow in the freezer or refrigerator. Wrap it in a plastic bag before putting it inside to avoid the pillow to get wet.

For example, for headaches, bruises, sprains or bruises.

Available with different cushion covers: blue dinosaurs, pink with frogs, dark blue trucks, green zoo, white punk, white with cherries, red, gingerbread men

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